The InsideOut Experience
InsideOut is a gentle, self-paced, facilitated process that does a deep dive into your operating system. It is an inward focused, contemplative journey, led by your own thoughts and emotions. It is self-paced because you decide when to move forward and follow the direction your thoughts take you in, as opposed to being directed by a facilitator. Because you set the pace, a session can go anywhere from 1.5-3 hours and you’ll feel like it’s only been 30 minutes when you come full circle!
Our belief system is rooted in our emotions. As you connect with the emotion that comes to mind, during the first few minutes of your session, you will follow it like a slow-moving river, until it leads you to a core belief. The facilitator will walk alongside of you and ask simple questions such as, “What are you feeling? What are you believing that’s causing you to feel that emotion?” These questions will help you focus further inward as you uncover the belief(s) hidden within the presenting emotions.
Once the belief is identified, the facilitator will ask you to allow your thoughts to scroll back through your memory bank until it finds the exact entry point where that belief was embedded into your operating system.
The journey inward continues as you begin to observe the memory and watch how and when the belief entered in.
At this point, the present day ‘you’ moves into observation mode. You will watch the young version of you come face to face with revelation which will unlock the hold that belief has had throughout your life. Revelation will replace that lie with truth. It’s a total reset of your belief system.
The power of the InsideOut experience comes when the lies embedded in those memories are recalibrated with truth. Truth that also has the bandwith to exchange strong negative emotions with feelings of bliss and joy. At the end of this journey, you will be set free from the lies that surfaced during your session. One often feels waves of gratitude, relief and awe by the ease of the transformation they feel inside.